
DayNa Decker®

Deborah Lippmann : Cuticle Remover With Lanolin


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DayNa Decker®

Deborah Lippmann : Cuticle Remover With Lanolin

Product Detail

- Contains Virgin Wool Wax (Lanolin) Oil, a natural humectant, preventing dehydration of the cuticle.
- Potassium Hydroxide gently softens dead dry skin.
- Safe for all skin types, even the most delicate.
- No soaking is necessary. This Cuticle remover will save you time - Just apply and gently push back.

A great cuticle remover is must product for every manicure. Some cost cutting salons will use a cuticle oil as a substitute. No, they have two very different purposes. A cuticle oil is for hydration and a cuticle remover loosens the dead skin and makes it easier to push back. So don't be fooled. The cuticle area is very delicate and should never be pushed back without applying a cuticle remover first to soften the skin. Trauma to this area can cause improper nail growth forever, so be careful.

The Nail Tip:
Never cut your cuticles. The cuticles are a barrier to protect you from bacteria entering your body. Cut the cuticle away and you leave yourself exposed to all kinds of infection. Which is why you hear of so many infections from salon stories. But the cuticles do need to be pushed back for proper nail health and growth. Once a week is fine. You can cut hang nails, just choose a quality nipper - no biting, and never use your nail to push back the cuticles, it will weaken your nails.

Price (Size)
0 (15 ml)


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    ดูคำธิบายเพิ่มเติม จิ้มที่ชื่อได้เลยนะ :)


    จิ้มไปต่อสิ มีอีกหลายไอเท็มให้เลือกดูนะ ^^

    เพิ่มรีวิวของคุณได้ง่ายๆ แค่เพียง 1 นาที

    DayNa Decker®

    Deborah Lippmann : Cuticle Remover With Lanolin