12 years ago
BEST BEST BEST foundation powder EVER ! However, It's not an absolutely perfect but win all the foundation powder I have ever used. I use this in shade 03 and this absolutely match my skin tone. This powder control my very oily face quite well than any foundation powder. The coverage is upon how much product you apply. I alway use a sponge which come in the product to apply for cover my scars,pimples,dark spots and any imperfections. This gives a bit cakey finish look but after it oxidises,itlooks natural. However during the day, the color on my face seem a bit darker but VERY VERY VERY tiny bit less than another powder I have ever used.The coverage is SO SO SO great I have no need to frequently touch up thoughout the day. The staying power is SO SO SO amazing. However, I found this cause me a little papules but doesn't cause me a huge breaking out. I would recommend this for an oily skin people. This is an oil-free and fragrance-free product. The day I use this I always skip my foundation ! ! !
- เนียนบางเป็นธรรมชาติ
- 4.0
- ติดทน กันน้ำ กันเหงื่อ
- 5.0
- เฉดสีหลากหลาย
- 4.0
- ปกปิดริ้วรอย
- 5.0
- ควบคุมความมัน
- 5.0
- อุดตัน ตกค้าง
- 3.0
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